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Hello everyone, Slava here. There is something i have always wanted to talk about. Newgrounds was not a good option but there is no turning back.

Why am i saying this, well. Here are some reasons.

1. Paying for fame, what fo i mean by this, remember this supporter feature that you have to pay soo your user can appear and just to get other features, thats how they get fame. That is not fair, there is people out there who have a great talent but little support and it is completely unaceptable that you have a great art and talent and not get any support just because you did not pay. I am not jealous but it is just the true.

2. A or +18 Content: It is not something new, NSFW content has always been on Newgrounds. Everyone enjoy this lustful pieces of media, i do not. And the reason is not a lame one. This kind of Lustful content is toxic for the mind and also the soul, they lower your self esteem and turn you into someone who is sick, it is also a very dangerous addiction that is easy to get in but hard to escape it, im not saying this to make everyone angry, im saying this soo you stay safe and healthy... Because i also used to be one of them, yes i used to be a sick dude aswell i did not care soo much about it. But the consequences of my action took a dark turn in my life and i do not want someone to follow this road like i did. Soo that is why +A18 content is Newgrounds was a very big mistake to have.

Soo this are one of the main reasons why i think newgrounds for me was a terrible option. If you have another opinion don't be scared of share it. Stay tuned for more content. SIGN OFF.

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